DOMINOS (Digital Osce for Medical specialties - INnOvation for Students) is an Erasmus+ project, KA220 HED Cooperation partnerships in Higher education.

We are an alliance of european teachers, researchers and engineers from 6 participating universities that aim to share innovative practices on teaching and construct digital tools to prepare O.S.C.Es. 

DOMINOS focuses on implementing new innovative training tools for healthcare students (medicine, pharmacy and dentistry) to better prepare them to take their O.S.C.Es (Objective Structured Clinical Examinations).

What is an OSCE?

OSCE is a clinical skill assessment often used in health sciences (dentistry, medicine, pharmacy). OSCEs are classically constructed as "a journey", composed of 8 to 10 stations, during which health students are confronted with clinical situations that allow the evaluation of their skills in a standardized manner, ranging from

· the performance of procedures

· the ability to communicate with a patient.

· the ability to communicate with the professional environment.

However, OSCEs training and OSCEs exams are also stressful from the students’ point of view and are costly to implement and time-consuming to organize for teachers and administrative staff. 

DOMINOS goals are the following:
· Create a library of OSCEs with specific and common stations to the 3 healthcare curricula to be used during online OSCE training session on a visio-conference platform (synchronous training). These stations can also be implemented on-site. 
· Create a library of digital OSCE serious games with specific and common OSCEs’ stations to the 3 healthcare curricula (asynchronous training);
· Create online resources to support teachers and students on how to use the tools and resources developed in DOMINOS. These resources will be made available through this Moodle Platform

As a result, we willl
- create a European digital learning environment for OSCEs training and harmonize practices at the European level for medical, dental and pharmacy curricula;
- create a common European library of OSCEs stations that any healthcare educator can use and contribute to;
- promote OSCEs among European healthcare educators;
- provide online tools to increase exam preparation for students without adding to the burden of the organization and by diversifying learning materials;
- allow European healthcare students to train wherever and whenever they want for their OSCEs;
- improve non-technical clinical skills among European healthcare students.

External committee. The external committee includes the following Universities: University of Birmingham (United Kingdom) - Universidad de Campina Grande (Brazil) - Université de Liège (Belgium) - Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1 (France) - National University of Singapore (Singapore) -  University of Belgrade (Serbia). The external committee will contribute to the project by giving feedbacks to the consortiumon, testing the tools developed during the project; participating to some activities organized during the project, such as the online train the trainers session and OSCE training sessions using a video-conference platform.

Zadnja sprememba: petek, 7. april 2023, 08.28